Our Parents in Recovery program strives to offer anyone in a parenting role the hope, help, and support that they need to succeed in recovery. We help families flourish by providing ways to connect with an individualized support system, creating opportunities that bridge the gaps between other organizations, fostering positive relationships, and most importantly giving parents a safe place to come to without judgement, stigma, or shame so often linked to addictions.
Ways We Can Help:
Resource Navigation & Referrals
Vouchers for Necessities
Support Groups
Recovery Coaching
Health & Wellness Offerings
The Parents in Recovery Support Program is a groundbreaking suite of services tailored to the specific needs of parents, and those in parenting roles, in need of support through their journey in recovery from Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) as well as their families. The program offers a wide range of services including weekly peer-support meetings, one-on-one recovery coaching, workshops, help with navigation of community resources, childcare, and access to NCVRC’s health & wellness offerings with classes and workshops such as yoga and reiki.
Don't give up hope!
Starting the path to recovery is only a visit, phone call, or email away!

The Parents in Recovery in Recovery Support Program is made possible in part by generous contributions from: